Our spring flowers are blooming now and are just beautiful! Since I have been in a flower painting mode the past six months or so, I have been snapping photos like crazy. I carry my camera in the car and sometimes stop by the side of the road and take pictures. My husband wonders how many pictures I need to take of one flower, but I really take pictures from a dozen different angles and with the light coming from all angles. I might take 20-30 pictures of one flower at different times of day and only one or two will suit me for painting.
The past few days I have been taking pictures of iris. The garden center near us has a whole plot of iris in full bloom and I must have taken a zillion pictures in the late afternoon sun. I suspect that I might do an iris series of paintings next.
Below is a picture of a hibiscus that my neighbor grew last summer and invited me down to take pictures. I just took her the finished painting as a gift.
Even with all the packing, I am planning my next paintings in my mind. And Son #3 has ordered a big sofa-sized painting of the beautiful red sandstone breaks of the Llano Estacado. Now where did I pack those large canvases?
At present I am working on a painting of a white rose--never knew so many colors could be in a "white" flower!