I am thankful to know that today is International Happiness Day. I came across this information on Sharon's blog where she goes into more detail about Happiness.
July 10 is International Happiness Day. You can find out more about the official undertaking by viewing the video at the International Happiness Day website.
I tend to agree with Sharon that I have not thought much about happiness in the past, but I do know that happiness is often a choice that I can make. When I wake up in the morning I can choose to be grumpy or I can choose to be happy. There are stressful times when I am not exactly happy, but mostly, I prefer to take a happy view of things. Doing these Thankful Thursday posts on my blog have caused me to focus more on the positive aspects of my life--the aspects that cause me to be happy and content.
I also agree with Sharon when she says that "the idea of an International Happiness Day especially appeals to me because I believe that happy people are peaceful, productive people, and the world just has to be a better place if more people are happy."
And so, I am thankful that we now have an International Happiness Day!
For those of you who are writers, Sharon encourages us to "write for ten minutes about your happiness level. Are you generally happy more often than not? What conditions contribute to your happiness or unhappiness? What would you change or do to be happier? Describe an especially happy time in as much detail as you can recall. What did the moment mean to you? What was going on? What memories are connected with it? "
SAS Demo 2
2 days ago
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