Last week, in the midst of all our other busyness, we slipped off for a quick overnight visit with Son #4 and his family. We had such a great time with Miss Ella Bella who is two but going on seven, I believe. She spent the evening showing us her daddy's fire trucks.

Grandson #2 also put in his two cents' worth during the tour.

And hubby got to climb up in the big truck to inspect whatever was up there.

Next we went to their home so Miss Ella Bella and Grandson #2 could introduce us to their new puppy, Sally.

The next morning Miss Ella Bella showed her Granddaddy that she was going to take the little leopard that he brought her to school "for nap time."

And Grandson #2 told us good-bye from his car seat--holding the marlin that Granddaddy gave him.

Next we stopped off for a very short visit with Son #1 before going on to a luncheon and returning home. The trip was way too short, but we really enjoyed seeing everyone!
Sounds like great fun. I need to get them to come up and visit us so the cousins can play!