Saturday, August 9, 2008

Another Graduation in Our Family

Last night Son #4 graduated from college. It has been a long road for him but he finally made it across that stage. His wife, 2 year old daughter, 1 week old son and I watched on a live webcast from the college as he marched into the auditorium and later walked across the stage. It was quite moving. Daughter-in-law sat in the recliner with their two children and a small laptop, while I watched on their larger computer. We hollered and screamed when he walked across the stage. I took a picture of the computer screen and it turned out

blurry at best, but we really felt connected by being able to see the actual graduation as it happened--thanks to modern technology!

A family friend wrote the following rictameter poem in honor of his graduation.

At last!
It's happening
The struggle is finished
Graduation is accomplished
It is a fait accompli; it's all done
No more burning midnight oil
No bibliographies
It is over
At last

--L. Seeger

Congratulations, Son #4!


  1. Hi Pat- This is the first time I was able to leave a comment for some reason. Your have a lovely family. Thanks a million for your wonderful comments about my postings. Barbara

  2. So glad you were finally able to leave a comment. And I so much enjoy your blog!
