Signs of spring are popping out all over and I love the colors of spring. The mountain laurel bushes have beautiful bunches of purple flowers and redbud trees are full of gorgeous magenta flowers--all except ours which had about three flowers last year and has yet to put out anything this year. I think it is a late-bloomer!

The elm trees in our yard are beginning to have a light dusting of gorgeous spring green leaves breaking forth and the oak trees

are covered with light rust-colored leaves that turn to
green as they mature. Our purple iris have been blooming for about a month and the Carolina Jasmine is full of yellow blossoms.

The oxalis is spreading a blanket of pink around the back of the pond and even our grass is greening up with the two rain events that we have had over the past couple of weeks. I am hoping the rain will make the wild flowers bloom beautifully this year!
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