Sunday, September 7, 2008

Son #2's Triathlon Triumph

I am rather proud of Son #2 and the triathlon that he participated in yesterday. You can see his wife's (Kara) description and pictures of the triathlon by clicking on her name for the link to her blog. I was on pins and needles all morning until I heard that he had made it okay. Congratulations, Son #2! I'm very proud of you!


  1. Wow! That is certainly something to be proud of! Not many in this day and age are so disciplined! Congratulations to your son!

  2. He did great, of course now he is lamenting over the fact he didn't finish better...but I reminded him his goal was to finish!!! And with knee still working:) Oh, and he laid sod the day before and we planted (well, I helped some...) trees the day after. He's my Ironman!
